The bullets snap through the trees above my head and ricochet off the wall in front of me. Splashes of dust pepper my face, and the crack and whizz of lead wasps penetrate the sound barrier around my ears.
Crack. Crack. Crack. More rounds narrowly miss my head. The fear leaves me. Just admittance is left. Admittance to my likely impending death as I brace for another burst.
With clarity, I shoot back in the areas that look like firing points. My own gunfire is met with a hail of Taliban bullets. The enemy has me pinned to the roof. Even when I am shooting, they shoot back at me. They are either fearless or are firing from protection.
I brace again as more rounds hit the log that I take cover behind. It flinches as more bullets collide with it, and I feel the thuds through the wood. I know I am exposed, with my shoulders, legs and helmet all on show, feeling as if the enemy marksman is just waiting to have that brief exposure of my head, and end my days. I can feel his sights.
The firing stops. I take the opportunity to crawl back towards the edge of the roof, pausing to take a few well-aimed shots into the trees where I know they are shooting from.
Crack. Whizz. An enemy bullet grazes the air next to my ear. The roof's edge is only a few more feet away, yet it might as well be miles. Another hale of gunfire separates me from the relative safety I am creeping towards. Again I stop, letting off a huge burst of fire from my weapon. My LMG (light machine gun), is spitting angrily in the enemy's direction. My trigger finger stays depressed as I try to shuffle myself across and fire at the same time.
Enemy rounds flick up more dirt around me. They have me zeroed. It is a matter of seconds before one of their shots takes a direct hit.
I leap at the edge for cover, as my foot suddenly catches a piece of metal on the roof. I’m stuck! The eyelets of my boots are snagging to some sort of hanging basket, as the Taliban let off another ferocious burst in my direction. I shout down to the marines below to pull me down, but suddenly my foot releases and I finally flop off the edge of the roof.
I take a couple of deep long breaths and compose myself. Thanking my angel above for watching over me.
This, and many other experiences, I recount on a daily basis. And I apply the learnings to my startup. They are my ammunition for when times get tough and I need to dig in deep. But they are also the unique experiences I believe very few others own within the startup world. Experiences many other veterans share, with attributes and skills that can very easily be deployed into any business. Especially a startup.
We can operate under extreme pressure
Things go wrong in business all the time. Literally, the 'you know what,' is forever hitting the fan. I frequently see it again and again within my own startup, Loopin. When one fire is out, another two ignite. It is a constant, and unrelenting pressure.
But this is a pressure many veterans are used to. We have on many occasions, had to make extraordinary decisions under immense pressure, when often lives are at stake. Ask the young 20-year old marine who has had to navigate their troop through a known IED field, at night. The new lieutenant trying to get their thirty men out of an ambush killing zone. Or the female medic treating six casualties at once, minutes after an explosion.
It could be an employee or an amped-up board member. A disgruntled customer or a burning server. Veterans are very well equipped to calmly assess a situation and make crucial decisions when often, many others step back. We are comfortable being uncomfortable.
We adapt and overcome
We are trained and experienced in getting ourselves out of tight spots. The Royal Marines own the Commando ethos that acts as our guiding light. 'Be the first to understand, the first to adapt and respond; and the first to overcome.' This is the mindset you want of any founder. It isn't just about the things going wrong, but also the ability to identify and execute on new opportunities.
Is the market shifting? Should we pivot? If we take this risk, will it open up new revenue streams? Adapting and overcoming is a must for any business leader, but veterans are programmed to think like this. They are always searching for the next target or new position. The idea might not be the hottest at the time, but they will sure damn find a way of making it so.
We have counted our ammo when it matters most
Every round counts. When you hand your cheque over, you can have every faith that each pound or dollar will be treated exactly like a bullet. Expended only at the right moment. When you are working with people who have had to count the remaining thirty rounds in their last magazine as the enemy persists, your money is in very safe hands. People who are trained and experienced in making every single shot count.
The phrase is simple, 'never waste a single round.' The same goes for capital.
We build and lead high performing teams
Veterans organically know what it takes to build high performing teams, and more importantly, how to lead them. After receiving funding, would you be surprised if a veterans business you invested in, threw in a few extra press-ups and ran the candidates across moorland with a pack on? Maybe we throw in a tech test at the end? You shouldn't be surprised.
We don't want just anybody joining our team, even if we are desperate to hire. We want the best. We want people with tenacity, courage, and passion. People who dig in deep and perform when all the chips are down. Individuals who pick up other people's work voluntarily, because they understand the meaning of sacrifice and teamwork. People who back one another up, no matter what is faced.
Then there is the leadership. It is wrong to think that it's all about screaming and shouting. In fact, you couldn't be further from the truth. Imagine investing in a startup where the founders have coaching and leadership qualifications and experience. Know how to get the best from their people. Understand how to make those very difficult decisions, fast. And have led in battle, under the most extreme of circumstances.
Leadership can make or break a startup. Why would you not entrust the responsibility to someone who can lead through any situation?
We live and breathe our values
I speak from the heart, as a former Royal Marines Commando, knowing that marines must consistently display the Corps values of excellence, integrity, self-discipline and humility. And the qualities of courage, determination, unselfishness and cheerfulness in the face of adversity.
Imagine investing in a business where the founders have an incredibly deep sense of meaning behind their values. Where some have been picked straight from the heart of the battlefield. No BS words made up on the spot. But values that act as the DNA of the business. DNA which acts as the foundations for the culture of a future unicorn.
At pre-seed and seed, you are predominately investing in an idea, team and most importantly, the founders. I personally know that you have hundreds, if not thousands of emails and decks to read each month. I have been one of those decks on previous raises. But on the odd occasion, you spot a veteran's business within the pile, give it an extra look. You may well have come across the next unicorn. You are placing a very good bet on our community returning your fund.
One final point. When you ask the question around competition, don't forget, we made a living by outsmarting our enemy.